Two hardware and software, web-oriented complexes for automated acceptance and processing of files – Dalim и InSite Application of these complexes allows our customers to perform non-stop delivery, verification, processing and approval of digital content – 24 hours a day, 365.25 days a year from any spot of the planet with the Internet access.
A set of five Prinergy raster processors of Kodak Company allows screening of all incoming digital materials in the shortest time possible.
The company offers the customers a variety of screening technologies and such as standardized options – periodic screening with lineatures of up to 200 lpi, stochastic screening with the minimum dot of 10 µm, and the screening developed within the company, which is being successfully applied now – the combined screening.
See Thesaurus – Screens and Rosettes
The equipment for recording digital information on the printing plates comprises two automated lines based on the printout devices Computer-to-Plate Trendsetter and two lines Computer-to-Plate Trendsetter VLF from Kodak Company. The apparatuses conduct exposure using the thermal laser with a wavelength of 830 nm, with 2400dpi resolution and an accuracy of 10 µm (the year of commissioning – 2017)
Automated lines for processing of master plates are presented by the Interplater processing complexes, from the global leader – Glunz & Jensen Company.
The technology process of publishing is based on the international standards of printing ISO -12647. The constant technological control of the processes is performed at all stages, including prepress.